Cristian Rus

design & human behaviour


to know

All is temporary.

Unique rather than the best.

The only thing that remains are the connections you make.

Bad things happen fast, good things happen slowly.

People are neither for you nor against you, they are thinking about themselves.

You have an impact on others.

Friction is the way to improvement.

Lies never work.

The more you give, the more you get.

Nobody owes you anything.

Sometimes it's not your problem, but it's your responsibility.

You could leave life right now.

Perfection is in non-perfection.

Nostalgia is dangerous.

No risk, no story.

Your future self is watching you.

There is always a way.

Winning is for losers.

Nothing matters.

to do




Get the context.

Never complain, never explain.

Avoid expectations.

Assume your mistakes, then solve them.

Fail, learn and go again.

Stay there, until they drag you off the line.

Chase the wonder.